• Restaurant en winkel - Il Mattarello - Amsterdam

Restaurant en winkel - Il Mattarello - Amsterdam

Il Mattarello is a place specialised in pasta, one of the key ingredients of traditional Italian cuisine. Nowadays we see that a lot of tradition is being replaced by industrial food production, but good pasta is not made in an industrial way. The best pasta is handmade and only with the very freshest products.
Il Mattarello (translates as the rolling pin) is dedicated to bringing back the tradition and takes the art of pasta making to the next level. Il Mattarello is a place where friends gather over a glass of wine and a plate of fresh pasta. It is a place where people come to learn about the art of pasta making or just to quickly take home some pasta or other products that we sell in the shop.

Il Mattarello is simply the place for pasta in Amsterdam.


Westerstraat 77 / Tel: 020 6887788